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• National Institute for Health and Care Excellence •

  1. People with suspected hypertension are offered ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) to confirm a diagnosis of hypertension.
  2. People with newly diagnosed hypertension receive investigations for target organ damage within 1 month of diagnosis.
  3. People with newly diagnosed hypertension and a 10-year cardiovascular disease risk of 20% or higher are offered statin therapy.
  4. People with treated hypertension have a clinic blood pressure target set to below 140/90 mmHg if aged under 80 years, or below 150/90 mmHg if aged 80 years and over.
  5. People with hypertension are offered a review of risk factors for cardiovascular disease annually.
  6. People with resistant hypertension who are receiving 4 antihypertensive drugs and whose blood pressure remains uncontrolled are referred for specialist assessment.

full quality standards including quality measures avaliable from…
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Quality Standards Programme: Hypertension. March 2013