This disease area hub brings together relevant content on and links to external guidance.
Guidelines in Practice articles
Flexible access to services is needed for social anxiety disorder
Prompt interventions improve outcomes in conduct disorders
New quality standards on the epilepsies will promote better care
Improvement of services is needed to reduce the impact of ADHD
The majority of people with headache can be managed by GPs
Primary care is well placed to identify people with ADHD
Recognition of adults with autism is the first step in accessing care
Patient education is vital when prescribing strong opioids for pain
Pregnant women should be assessed for mood disorders
Patients who self-harm should be encouraged to ask for help
NICE updates its recommendations on treatment of epilepsy
GPs need to be alert to risk of depression in all consultations
A clear pathway will aid diagnosis of autism in children
Patients with mental health illnesses are at higher risk of CVD
Primary care has an important role in the recognition of ADHD
People with psychosis should be asked about substance use
NICE brings together guidance on identifying mental health disorders
GPs have a role throughout the GAD stepped-care model
Early diagnosis will help GPs to attain the quality standard for dementia
Carers of patients with dementia must receive a needs assessment
The recognition and diagnosis of delirium needs improving
NICE outlines how to treat alcohol-related physical conditions
Prompt referral is required for suspected new epileptic seizures
Recognising symptom patterns will aid early diagnosis of dementia
Recognising symptom patterns will aid early diagnosis of dementia
Neuropathic pain can be managed in non-specialist settings
Suspected Parkinson's disease should be referred untreated
Prophylaxis has an important role in migraine management
SIGN guideline on ADHD/HKD updates treatment options
Depression and chronic physical health problems: advice updated by NICE
NICE has modified its stepped-care model for treating depression
Borderline personality disorder requires a team-based approach
Patients with stroke or TIA require immediate medical attention
GPs have an important role in the recognition and prevention of ASPD
An emergency response is critical for stroke symptoms
The majority of patients with headache can be managed in primary care
Breakthrough pain should be distinguished from background pain
SIGN guideline on headache provides user-friendly advice
NICE guideline on ADHD emphasises importance of patient-centred care
NICE guideline on ADHD emphasises importance of patient-centred care
A stepped-care approach can be effective for ADHD
Most headache types are suited to primary care management
New recommendations will aid assessment of pain in the elderly
Doctors must respond to signs of chronic fatigue syndrome
What is the impact of the NICE bipolar disorder guideline 1 year on?
SIGN guideline highlights warning signs for autism spectrum disorders
PD guidance from NICE has been difficult to implement
GPs are well placed to provide treatment for substance misusers
Integrated care pathway for neuropathic pain will help facilitate patient care
Your patient presents with facial paralysis: is it Bell?s palsy?
Dementia guideline will assist GPs with diagnosis and care
Guideline revises appraisal advice on dementia care
Psychological therapy provides significant benefits for patients
Best practice guidance for the dementia indicators in QOF2
Best practice guidance for the depression indicators in QOF2
Best practice guidance for the mental health indicators in QOF2
Communication is key when treating patients with bipolar disorder
Communication is key with your Parkinson's disease patients
Early assessment of dementia is essential
Parkinson's disease patients should be referred untreated
Teenagers are set to lose out with the new epilepsy indicators
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers: 26. Management of patients with dementia
Early recognition and treatment of dementia will benefit patients
NICE guideline will increase recognition of depression in children
NICE guideline will increase recognition of depression in children
NICE recommends a stepped care approach to OCD
Addressing emotional disorders in children: a school-based project
Addressing emotional disorders in children: a school-based project
NICE recommends a stepped care approach to OCD
What should GPs do to improve epilepsy care?
NICE guideline will help GPs to identify patients with PTSD
SIGN clarifies the use of mood stabilisers in bipolar disorder
Have QOF indicators improved epilepsy management?
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers: 23. Bipolar affective disorder
SIGN guideline will improve care in childhood epilepsy
Have the new contract?s incentives improved care?
Shared care pathway is key to achieving mental health targets
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers: 22. Management of epilepsies in children and young people
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers
National enhanced service will benefit patients with MS
Provision of CBT should become a priority
NICE anxiety guideline highlights importance of psychological therapy
NICE recommends a stepped care approach to managing depression
Contract will support GPs in providing care for drug users
SIGN stroke guideline addresses needs of patients with dysphagia
NICE epilepsy guideline recommends regular structured reviews
Guidelines in Practice Award winner sets gold standard for epilepsy care
Creating an enhanced service will improve care in depression
Forth Valley guideline transforms standards of epilepsy care
Guideline points the way to better care for those who self-harm
Primary care mental health service ensures fast access for patients
Can GPs provide cognitive behavioural therapy?
Contract will address needs of patients with severe mental illness
Which date should we use to record the last seizure?
Quality indicators are basis for improving epilepsy management
NICE guideline will help to rationalise MS care
Primary care guideline will aid management of harmful drinking
SIGN notes for discussion with patients: 13. Management of harmful drinking
SIGN guideline will help GPs tackle problem drinking
Practice's structured approach improves management of epilepsy
Guideline will promote optimal management for epilepsy patients
SIGN notes for discussion with patients 11. Epilepsy in adults
Is 'test and treat' the best strategy in dyspepsia?
SIGN patient information: 7. Attention deficit and hyperkinetic disorders in children and young people
WHO Guide to Mental Health in Primary Care
WHO guide to Mental Health in Primary Care
WHO guide to Mental Health in Primary Care
Developing a strategy to implement the NSF for Mental Health
Lithium monitoring audit highlights need for regular review
WHO Guide to Mental Health in Primary Care: chronic tiredness
NICE referral advice: 2. Acute low back pain
WHO Guide to Mental Health in Primary Care
GPs devise guidelines for managing at-risk and problem drinkers
WHO guide to Mental Health in Primary Care
SIGN guidelines aims to promote early recognition of ADHD
Problem drug use service focuses on health promotion
SIGN guideline paves the way for better control of cancer pain
The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health
Guideline helps GPs choose appropriate psychological therapy
Practice-based guidelines enable GPs to manage heroin users effectively
SIGN head injury guidance is a valuable tool for GPs
New guidance on Alzheimer's drugs poses challenge for GPs
BAP revises guidelines for antidepressant use
New back pain guidelines advise early return to work
Guidelines standardise physiotherapy for stress incontinence
Time to take a fresh look at learning disability
RCN takes child-centred approach to assessment of pain in children
Back pain guidelines highlight psychocosial factors
GP audit highlights the need to improve lithium monitoring
Opinion on GP treatment of drug misusers divided
Updated guidance on drug misusers focuses on primary care
Do GPs want to manage drug misusers?
Practice audit identifies shortfalls in epilepsy management
The SIGN route to better dementia care
New guidelines provide good framework for treating depression
Improving care for adults with poorly controlled epilepsy
Putting back pain guidelines into practice
Guidelines summaries
NICE clinical guidelines
SIGN guidelines
Demonstrating impact

Test and reflect

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