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  • Summarising clinical guidelines for primary care

    Ulcerative colitis: management in adults, children and young people
    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

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    Guidelines is planning a free 1-hour webinar on feverish illness in children: implementing updated guidance for best practice.

    Thursday 5 December 2013
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    Winner of Directory of the Year at the PPA Digital Publishing Awards 2013

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  • Medicines tracker

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  • Summarising clinical guidelines for primary care

    Ulcerative colitis: management in adults, children and young people
    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Guidelines front cover

Summarising clinical guidelines for primary care

Most read guidelines in last 30 days
  • Feverish illness in children: assessment and initial management in children younger than 5 years
  • Management of restless legs syndrome in primary care
  • Symptomatic management of multiple sclerosis in primary care

Guidelines in Practice front cover

Monthly journal for those developing and implementing guidelines

Most read articles in last 30 days