This disease area hub brings together relevant content on and links to external guidance.
Guidelines in Practice articles
Personal health budgets reduce the use of hospital care
Raised heart rate is a new traffic light for risk in a feverish child
GPs need training and resources to identify problem drinkers
NICE Pathways—the fast and easy way to access guidance
GPs need to advise patients on options for future incapacity
NICE accreditation adds credibility, quality, and value
A framework can help to promote guideline implementation
High-quality care should be available at all times at end of life
NICE accreditation: raising the standard of guidance production
Two new clinical domains have been included in the QOF
Patients should be offered referral after suspected anaphylaxis
Very brief advice can be used for smokers who want to quit
Now is the time for practice managers to assess strategy
RCGP ePortfolio will simplify revalidation and assist CPD logging
Stop smoking services are an integral part of smoking cessation
Guidance published by NICE in July 2010
Guidance published by NICE in October 2009
Guidance published by NICE in September 2009
Guidance published by NICE in August 2009
Medicines adherence can be improved by open discussion
Guidance published by NICE in July 2009
The ABPI Code of Practice: key points for primary care
Use a systematic approach to support smokers in quitting
Patients with insomnia should receive sleep hygiene advice
Effective change management brings better patient care
NICE reinforces its guidance on helping smokers to quit
Information should be stored regularly for GP appraisal
Pilot scheme will offer support for doctors with health problems
Where a patient lives should not determine treatment availability
Doctors must respond to signs of chronic fatigue syndrome
NICE implementation consultants provide local support to primary care
Preparing an indicative PBC budget: can you justify what you spend?
Brief and intensive interventions do help patients to quit smoking
Implementation of PBC: what has been achieved so far?
Primary care smoking cessation services improve quit rates
Partnerships are highlighted in updated Good Medical Practice
The changing role of the General Medical Council
PCTs should fund expensive medication where appropriate
GPwSIs can play key role in improving community services
Practice registers are key to care pathway for falls
More exams are not the answer to revalidation
Accommodating the needs of deaf and blind patients
Forth Valley guideline transforms standards of epilepsy care
Good communication with patients depends on efficient systems
Keep repeat prescriptions for the consulting room
Education will help underpin contract's quality framework
GP specialists help to enhance provision of local clinical services
Analysing critical incidents and significant events
Getting the most from the summative assessment audit
Evidence-based advice from the HDA on alcohol and smoking
Practice rewarded for setting high standards in patient services
National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care, Leicester
Sheffield Evidence Based Guidelines Programme
GPs with special interests are key to improving patient care
Delivering quality: the new GP contract framework
Delivering palliative care in the community
NICE referral advice will improve patient care
GP and practice nurse collaborations prove popular with patients
GPs must be involved in developing NHS guidelines
The National Collaborating Centre for Primary Care
The National Guidelines and Audit Patient Involvement Unit
How to deal with violent and abusive patients
Primary care clinic targets men's health
Guidelines in Practice CME questions: 3
GP protocol for repeat prescribing reduces costs and workload
Our panel of experts answer questions on audit
Reducing the burden of chronic pain in primary care
The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
Drug misusers benefit from treatment in primary care
How to decide when a patient group direction is needed
The College of Health
Patients appreciate seeing their notes
Practice nurse input improves care of depressed patients
The Centre for Innovation in Primary Care
Guidelines for making practice away days a worthwhile experience
Clinical Effectiveness Forum for Allied Health Professions
Following up patients who have received advice from NHS Direct
Clinical Effectiveness Forum for Allied Health Professions
The King's Fund
NSF must not prevent GPs taking a holistic approach
PIN group gives patients input into NICE guidance
Writing for Guidelines in Practice: instructions for authors
Improving healthcare delivery using the EFQM Excellence model
SIGN guideline aims to improve outcome after head injury
Patient-friendly guidelines may aid patient compliance
Commission for Health Improvement
Practice protocol to stop smoking includes new drug therapy
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
NHS Plan looks set to change the face of primary care
CASPE Research
New guidance aims to help GPs manage dying patients
Don't forget your local health librarian
The National Prescribing Centre
The Clinical Practice Evaluation Programme
The Centre for Evidence Based Medicine
New website launched for approved group protocols
NSF will help GPs improve standards of CHD care
Clinical Governance Research and Development Unit
Checklist facilitates move from guidelines to protocols
Selecting a strategy for sleep problems in children
Promoting local ownership of guidelines
Crown II Report covers group protocols
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence
SIGN Roadshows take team approach to implementation
'NICE' work if you can implement it
When to move on to a new guideline
LMC sets criteria to help GPs select guidelines
w to ensure that your guideline is used
How to monitor the progress of a guideline
RCP Report aims to improve domiciliary oxygen services
Do junior doctors recognise their consultants?
How to introduce a new guideline in your practice
Anaphylaxis guidance will save lives
How to draw up your own guidelines
Getting to grips with clinical governance
Is this guideline right for your patients?
Guidance needed in areas that guidelines ignore
Assessing the quality of national guidelines
How to find out about existing guidelines
Why patient information needs to be evidence based
What clinical governance will mean for GPs
How to prioritise your work on guidelines
Electronic Pink Book: an integrated clinical information system
Do you need a guideline?
What are guidelines for?
Getting to the heart of meta-analysis
Guidelines promote more rational use of antibiotics
Teamwork is essential in implementing guidelines
Guidelines cannot cover all clinical situations
NICE to lead national guideline development
How to select guidelines
Guidelines in Practice
Applying guidelines to general practice
Guidelines summaries
Anaphylaxis: assessment to confirm an anaphylactic episode and the decision to refer after emergency treatment for a suspected anaphylactic episode
Smoking cessation services
Tobacco: harm-reduction approaches to smoking
Early identification and referral of liver disease in infants
Making medicines safer for children—guidance for the use of unlicensed medicines in paediatric patients
NICE clinical guidelines
SIGN guidelines
Demonstrating impact

Raised heart rate is a new traffic light for risk in a feverish child
Stop smoking services are an integral part of smoking cessation
Test and reflect

Patients with insomnia should receive sleep hygiene advice
NICE reinforces its guidance on helping smokers to quit
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