This disease area hub brings together relevant content on and links to external guidance.
Guidelines in Practice articles
Improved imaging can target higher risk prostate cancers
Family history is key to risk classification of familial breast cancer
Premature mortality from breast cancer remains a key issue
Patient uptake of breast screening should be promoted
Integrated care is key to the management of ovarian cancer
Management of lung cancer requires a multidisciplinary team
A shared-care approach is important in prostate cancer management
Treatment for breast cancer should not be influenced by age
Treatment for breast cancer should not be influenced by age
Colorectal cancer management requires a multidisciplinary team
Early recognition of lung cancer will help to improve outcomes
Effective control of pain in cancer requires detailed assessment
Early diagnosis can improve outcomes for ovarian cancer
Effective recall systems are required for men with prostate cancer
GPs have an important role in caring for women with early breast cancer
Is it a brain tumour? Red flags will help GPs with referral decisions
Treatment of cancer pain should follow the WHO analgesic ladder
GPs can play a greater role in management of prostate cancer
Breakthrough pain is often poorly controlled in patients with cancer
Multidisciplinary teams should manage patients with breast cancer
Multidisciplinary teams should manage patients with breast cancer
Patients with breast cancer can turn to GPs for support
GPs can manage the challenge of severe cancer pain in adults
Breakthrough pain should be distinguished from background pain
Psychosocial support is a vital component of cervical cancer care
SIGN guideline will aid recognition of invasive meningococcal disease
NICE guideline makes recommendations on prostate cancer care
Primary care has a key role in early diagnosis of lung cancer
Cervical cancer guideline will assist timely referral
Familial cancer risk assessment is focus of primary care initiative
Cancer patients need psychological support
Guideline will help GPs provide holistic care to breast cancer patients
Cancer indicators pave the way to improved GP care
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers: 25. Management of breast cancer in women
NICE guidelines will improve referral for suspected cancer
SIGN notes for discussion with patients and carers: 21. Management of patients with lung cancer
Local guidance has streamlined referrals to breast clinics
NICE guideline aims to speed up diagnosis of lung cancer
SIGN guideline will raise GPs' awareness of ovarian cancer
Guideline will help GPs advise women on breast cancer risk
Guideline will help GPs assess risk of familial breast cancer
Contract indicators will aid prevention of cervical cancer
GMS indicators set baseline for care of patients with cancer
SIGN notes for discussion with patients
SIGN guideline will aid long term follow up after childhood cancer
SIGN raises awareness of childhood cancer survivors
SIGN notes for discussion with patients: 12. Cutaneous melanoma
SIGN guideline will raise awareness of cutaneous melanoma
The National Collaborating Centre for Cancer
SIGN notes for discussion with patients: 10. Colorectal cancer
Screening is the key to reducing colorectal cancer
Rapid access service is improving prostate cancer management
Integrated breast care pathway streamlines the referral process
Controlling pain is a vital aspect of cancer care
Developing local guidelines for referral of colorectal cancer
Developing local cancer guidelines in line with Calman-Hine
Positioning slow-release morphine for cancer pain
Criteria for adapting national cancer pain guidelines for local use
Prostate guidelines clarify the role of PSA testing
Guidance raises GP awareness of colorectal cancer
Locality guideline aims to unify approach to cancer pain relief
Updating national guidelines for referral of breast problems
Guidelines summaries
Familial breast cancer: the classification and care of women at risk of familial breast cancer in primary, secondary and tertiary care
Prostate cancer: diagnosis and treatment
The management of cancer-related breakthrough pain
NICE clinical guidelines
SIGN guidelines
Palliative cancer care - nausea & vomiting
Breast screening
Prostate Cancer
Colorectal screening
Breast cancer—managing FH
Palliative cancer care—malignant ulcer
Palliative cancer care—pain
Palliative cancer care—constipation
Palliative cancer care—nausea & vomit
Palliative cancer care—dyspnoea
Palliative cancer care—cough
Palliative cancer care—general issues
Palliative cancer care—secretions
Palliative cancer care—oral
Palliative—malignant ulcer
Breast cancer—suspected
Children's tumours—suspected
GI (lower) cancer—suspected
GI (upper) cancer—suspected
Gynae. cancer—suspected
Haem. malignancy—suspected
Head/neck cancer—suspected
Lung cancer—suspected
Skin cancer—suspected
Urological cancer—suspected
Demonstrating impact

Family history is key to risk classification of familial breast cancer
Early recognition of lung cancer will help to improve outcomes
Early diagnosis can improve outcomes for ovarian cancer
Effective recall systems are required for men with prostate cancer
GPs have an important role in caring for women with early breast cancer
Is it a brain tumour? Red flags will help GPs with referral decisions
Test and reflect

GPs can manage the challenge of severe cancer pain in adults
Breakthrough pain should be distinguished from background pain
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