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Hypertension in pregnancy

• National Institute for Health and Care Excellence •

  1. Women of childbearing potential with treated hypertension are given information annually about safe antihypertensive treatment during pregnancy
  2. Pregnant women at increased risk of pre-eclampsia at the booking appointment are offered a prescription of 75 mg of aspirin to take daily from 12 weeks until birth.
  3. Women with hypertension in pregnancy have a blood pressure target set below 150/100 mmHg, or, if they also have target organ damage, below 140/90 mmHg.
  4. Pregnant women with severe hypertension are admitted for a full assessment, carried out by a healthcare professional trained in managing hypertension in pregnancy.
  5. Women with a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia are admitted to hospital and monitored daily.
  6. Women with pre-eclampsia have an agreed consultant obstetrician-led plan for the timing and mode of birth.
  7. Women who have had hypertension in pregnancy have a plan for ongoing antihypertensive management included in their postnatal care plan, which is communicated to their GP when they are transferred to community care after the birth.
  8. Women who have had a gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia discuss future pregnancy and lifetime cardiovascular risks during a medical review at their 6-8 week postnatal medical check.

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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Quality Standards Programme: Hypertension in pregnancy. July 2013