The Commissioning Resource Centre brings together all of the content related to commissioning on On this page you will find links to the CCG Outcomes Indicator Set, Guidelines in Practice articles, and GP commissioning take home messages.
CCG Outcomes Indicator Set 2013/14

The aim of the CCG Outcomes Indicator Set (formerly known as the ‘Commissioning Outcomes Framework’ [COF}) is to support clinical commissioning groups to plan for health improvement by providing information for measuring and benchmarking outcomes of services commissioned by them.
Guidelines in Practice articles

Guidelines in Practice is a monthly clinical journal that promotes the practice of evidence-based medicine and implementation of national guidelines locally.
Improved skills and training could reduce admissions for COPD
Dr Dermot Ryan offers an approach to commissioning cost-effective services for improving the diagnosis, assessment, and management of people with COPD
Outcomes indicator set aims to drive local improvements in care
Peter Bullivant discusses how primary care has a vital role in identifying local priorities and achieving the Clinical Commissioning Group Outcomes Indicator Set
New indicators proposed for the CCG Outcomes Indicator Set
NICE publishes 44 proposed indicators for inclusion in the 2013/14 COF
NHS commissioning outcomes framework will hold CCGs to account
GP commissioning take home messages

GP commissioning take home messages, written by David Jenner, are included in all of the clinical features in Guidelines in Practice. Although of particular relevance to commissioners and those involved in GP commissioning, these key messages are also useful for other healthcare professionals in primary care, highlighting the costs of referral and the areas of care that can be provided locally.
Click here to view the full list of GP commissioning take home messages